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B Engaged Event

Join Washington B Corp Collective in our first volunteer event. Come help us repack pet food and hygiene items for Ballard Food Bank.

Ticket to entry is one or more of the items listed below:

• Dog or cat food. Can buy ANY brands- Costco size or even opened packs- we will portion and reallocate. The more the better. This is the highest asked for item at the food bank.

• Cat litter. Same- buy in bulk and we can portion for them

• Tampons

• Menstrual Pads

• Q-Tips

• Diapers sizes 4,5, and 6

• First aid kits and/or materials

  • Bandaids

  • Alcohol wipes

  • Latex gloves

  • Antibacterial ointment

  • Feel free to get inventive! If you have lots of toothbrushes at home? Bring! Anything that can help give people access to care we will help pack up!

    Please let us know what you plan to bring so we know what to supplement.

September 21

B Connected - Virtual Networking